John O Groats to Lands End

The Charities we are supporting...

The Charities we are supporting...
We have decided to cycle the length of the country from John O Groats to Lands End in aid of two charities that are very close to our hearts. Both charities have a similar goal to improve the lives of disadvantaged young people albeit it in very different areas of the world. The Zambia IDEALS project is dedicated to empowering young people who are living in poverty using sport as a basis and educating communities about the issues surrounding HIV/AIDS. This work is carried out in one of the most socially and economically deprived areas of the world namely Lusaka, Zambia. Best Chances is a UK based charity which works in some of the most deprived areas of the country and aims to offer young people the best chances in life by breaking down financial barriers which prevent them from fulfilling their dreams. Both of these charities are currently carrying out tremendous work and have been involved in transforming the lives of many, young, deprived individuals. This work is obviously very dependent on funding and it is for this reason that we both felt we should do our bit by trying to raise some funds to allow this fantastic work to continue.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

The journey begins!!

Here we are at the official start point-its all down hill from here!!

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